Friday, August 21, 2015

new pocket new technique

Stayed working on the other half of my  heraldic pockets.  I'm also taking this chance to work on a new technique, tambour embroidery.  What I'm loving about it is that it's so much easier on my hands, having early onset arthritis has killed a lot of the time I would like to spend working on my projects.  But so far no flare up. I've looked into the historical background of this technique,  in  India and Mongolia there is a similar technique using a similar style hook.  The more I'm looking at some late period embroidery I have to wonder if this crossed into western Europe earlier then the  1700s, which is about the date this style of embroidery really came into fashion.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

time on my hands

Well I think we are as settled as we are going to get.  I'm hoping to start buckling down and getting some sewing time in  once it starts cooling off, the heat is killing my motivation.  I have the supplies pulled to make 3  outfits with lots of little projects in between which should appeal to my sewing ADD. Which means I should have more to post here soon.  I also think I've been hired to make some eclesiastical items for the historic church out here,  it's Episcopalian was built in the mid-late  1700's and they like to boast that they were here before the Mormons. It's basically catholic lite for those not familiar with the religion and as the Catholic Church in town only offers Spanish Mass this is the closest I'm going to find to what I'm familiar with. Hopefully I cam snag some pictures next week as it is beautiful.
That's what I've been up to since the move still hoping to make contact with the sca in the area, fingers crossed I can catch them this week

Monday, August 3, 2015


Thursday we were suppose to get and load the moving truck, that didn't happen,  thanks uhaul. So we  have been a day behind on everything.  Loaded on Friday,  drove all day Saturday.  Unloaded into the storage unit Sunday and today we are moving what little we can into the house we will be calling home for a while. We  are sore and tired and so over moving stuff around. The dog is not thrilled being chained in the yard but my mother in law will not let him in the house and there is no fence.  We started building a dog run  in the pasture but that probably won't get done until tomorrow.  Its a little chilly today which is better then the scorcher we dealt with yesterday. I was  able to get the one box with my favorite research books and patterns into the house so I can work on some projects once everything is "back to normal "
Still hoping to go to fighter practice on Thursday to meet the local  sca folks I'm sure that will go a long way to making me feel less alone out here.  I'm missing everyone so much and while it's only been a few days I really feel like a stranger in a strange land, I don't know where anything is and out side of the family I'm living with I don't know anyone  (at least face to face ) out here.
I wish I could grab lunch with Joe at a local mexican place or get together with the girls for an a&s night  so  I could vent about the moving process.  But hopefully  I will have new folks to hang with soon.