Saturday, July 4, 2015

moving forward

As we finish the last touches on the house preparing to start showings on Monday everything is becoming very real. I admit I'm scared moving to a new kingdom full of people I do not know, leaving behind a kingdom I've been very active in for 18 years. I'll miss the family I have created here.

This is the part of the blog I've been hesitating to write but it's important. I may get flack for it but for others in the same place as I am it's important to hear. This move may mean I'm sort of starting over but it also means I'm no longer stagnant. Something I've been struggling with for many years here. I've been feeling very stuck. Being in the middle is difficult, it felt like no matter what I was doing I couldn't move forward. My new research was meet by shrugs, my garb had become expected no matter what I did to it. The events I ran were successes but again were treated like they happened because they always did. When I talked to my friends who were peers I was told I was doing fine just to keep going but I needed to feel like I was moving forward that I was improving that I was doing something good. To me I felt like I have been spinning my wheels and the thing is it doesn't matter. It's normal to feel you plateaued and that I think is the important message. Some folks will see huge leaps of improvement, others it's tiny steps hard to see. Some will get recognition after recognition and others it will be few and far between. Each journey is different but the biggest thing I can express to the people who like me feel stuck is that you are not alone,  This too shall pass find your joy in the little things. Your strength is in the fact that after years of being stuck in the middle- you are still here! You have fought with self doubt and continued, keep going! Even if the accolades never come you are an inspiration!

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